Join The Sisterhood

Welcome to The Jade Temple

A Sisterhood Devoted toĀ the Wisdom and PleasureĀ of the Female Body

Join The Sisterhood Membership

Reclaim the sacredness & innate power of your sensuality.

Awaken your erotic intelligence through deep sexual healing.

Cultivate safety, love and belonging in a supportive women's community.

Reclaim as Sacred all the Parts they called Profane.

For thousands of years our culture has
shamed and controlledĀ our female bodies and sexuality. We have been taught that our bodies, especially our breasts, wombs, vulvas, and genitals are inherently wrong, dirty, and shameful.

As a result, we have lost touch with our innate power and the intelligence of our bodies, and blocked the flow of creative life forceĀ that lives in our wombs.

At The Jade Temple we recognize the deep desire for women worldwide to reclaim their bodies and reject the narrative that labels them as profane.

We are dedicated to sexual healing and embracing the pleasure & wisdom inherent in our female bodies. By fostering love and reverence for every aspect of ourselves, especially those that have been marginalized and neglected, we are taking back ownership of our own bodies and narratives.

Through practices of Feminine Embodiment, nervous system regulation and pleasure awakening, we help to restore the connection between you and your body, empowering you to fall fiercely in love with all parts of your sacred female body.

This is a Revolution for a New World.

A revolution where every woman, everywhere, is fiercely in love with her Sacred Female Body

We are told that our bodies and
our sexuality are shameful.

They were wrong.

We are told that power comes
from outside of ourselves.

We know different.Ā 

The world has tried to make us forget
how to love ourselves and each other.

We come together to remember.

Enter The Jade Temple.

Coming Together in Sisterhood: Online and In-Person

We provide simple and accessible tools to do deep and powerful work. Our offerings are crafted to support your unique journey at the pace and level that's right for you.

Online Membership

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The Jade Temple in Koh Phangan

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International Retreats

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1:1 Coaching

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Explore Our Offerings

We Understand Women.

We get it. We know that beneath the layers of cultural, religious and familial conditioning, beneath your personal and our collective feminine wounds, and beneath the inherited disconnection that so many women are living with today is a spark just waiting to be ignited.

At The Jade Temple, we care deeply about supporting women on their journey to discovering their fullness. And we believe it is not possible to feel Whole and Complete if our organic, sensual and erotic nature is shamed, shut down, neglected or ignored.

1000s of Women served at our Temple
20 Years of Combined Facilitating Experience
5,000+ combined hours of holistic sexuality, Tao, Tantra, somatics & trauma-informed education

We Understand Women.

We get it. We know that beneath the layers of cultural, religious and familial conditioning, beneath your personal and our collective feminine wounds, and beneath the inherited disconnection that so many women are living with today is a spark just waiting to be ignited.

At The Jade Temple, we care deeply about supporting women on their journey to discovering their fullness. And we believe it is not possible to feel Whole and Complete if our organic, original, sensual and erotic nature is shunned, shamed, shut down, neglected or ignored.

1000s of Women served at our Temple


20 Years of Combined Facilitating Experience


5,000+ combined hours of holistic sexuality, tao, tantra, somatics & trauma-informed education

Join The Sisterhood

Knowledge and Tools.

We offer practical tools and powerful knowledge toĀ create a new relationship with your femaleĀ body.

Feminine Embodiment

Awareness, breath, sound, movement and touch are the cornerstones of feminineĀ embodiment.

Combined with Jade Egg and Yoni Wand practices, these simple but transformational tools support deep connection with our female bodies.

Sexual Healing

For so many of us, cultural and societal conditioning as well as traumatic personal experiences have created a challenging relationship to our sexuality.

We come together in sisterhood to see, feel and transform trauma around sexuality - learning to express our truth without limitations or fear.

Nervous System Regulation

Much of our society is living in a state of disconnection and overwhelm, which can lead to feelings of anxiety and dysregulation.

We teach easy-to-use tools to navigate stress responses and expand our capacity to feel what is alive in each moment from a place of calm and clarity.

Somatic Safety

Somatics tends to the mind-body connection to better understand and respond to whatā€™s going on inside of ourselves in the present moment.

Creating a sense of somatic safety is the basis for all sexual healing and pleasure. Once we feel safe, our body can open up to sensations and emotions so they can be truly felt and processed.

Pleasure Liberation

In a world that tells women our pleasure doesnā€™t matter, reclaiming it as our birthright is a revolutionary act.

With hands-on practices in the loving support of sisterhood, we expand our capacity to feel pleasure (and orgasms!) in sex and in everyday life.

Body Literacy

Sexual and anatomical education for women is woefully inadequate.

We focus on learning about the miraculous female body and all it is capable of, in order to honor the wisdom it offers and experience a life full of its pleasures and wonders.

Join The Revolution

"InĀ The Jade TempleĀ feminine embodiment classes I feel so present in my body that it shifts me into a calmer, softer state. I get to be in my divine essence in a safe space, without shame, judgement, or overthinking.Ā After the class I feel more expansive, connected, and deeply aware of my body and mental state.

Thank you for holding space for such an essential practice for all šŸ«¶ā€


ā€œThe Jade Templeā€™s courses have helped me to tune into the wisdom of my body, heal my sexual trauma, and expand my capacity for pleasure. I'm so grateful for the safe spaces they provide for me to use my voice and share my experiences. At times, this work is triggering. I have felt a lot of rage and grief rise to the surface as I explore everything being held in my pussy, but I have always felt held and supported in whatever comes up. This helps my pleasure and joy feel even more authentic and embodied. I am eternally grateful for this work.ā€

Katie Mae

ā€œThis work has offered me a deep Self-Love which creates a cup overflowing with love, benefitting all people I come into contact with. I have more acceptance and a deeper relationship with my own female body, especially my breasts and Yoni. And I have a deeper connection with the Earth, which is so important in these times and is a form of climate activism in itself, since a woman in tune with the Earth will automatically make choices benefitting the Earth and all creatures on it.ā€


More Love Letters From Our Students

Hi! We're Hilary and Tamara.
The Jade Temple Stewards.

hilary kimball the jade temple
tamara klemich the jade temple

Meet Hilary

Hilary, a holistic sexuality and feminine embodiment mentor, educator, and visionary founder of The Jade Temple, epitomizes a profound dedication to women's empowerment and liberation.

With a heartfelt commitment to creating nurturing spaces, Hilary facilitates transformative journeys of healing, awakening, and empowerment.Ā 

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Meet Tamara

As a Somatic & Sexuality Educator and Co-Steward of The Jade Temple.

Tamara supports women to create a deeply authentic & loving relationship with themselves, their body and their sexuality so that they can connect to their true, embodied power...

...instead of seeking it externally.

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Free Mini-Course

Connect to Your Female Body

Join theĀ Connect to Your Female BodyĀ to get practices and prompts from us and create a devotional practice that will change your life.

Just ten minutes. Easy.

Weā€™re sure it will be just the beginning.

Join For Free

ā€œItā€™s been such a gift feeling Iā€™m not alone in this yearning for deeper wisdom and power in my female body and way of being a human. Through your courses, I now see there are other women out there who also want to explore this beauty, a life-enriching way of being and engaging with oneself, other women and the world. Iā€™m leaving behind the shit, limited constructs I was brought up with.ā€


ā€œALL girls and women should take The Jade Templeā€™s Courses! This information is essential for knowing your female body, being grounded in it and learning how to use and tap into the most powerful energy we have. These are practices and knowledge you can use for the rest of your life. Ā  Itā€™s the most tangible and rewarding approach to self-love. Everything else is theory, this is real. The real basis for living our lives fully as women."


ā€œThank you for opening up to me a new way of being in this world that I've been yearning for for so long. Where gentleness, softness and patience with, listening and surrender to, and honour of my female body is truly valued and can bring forth a wisdom, power and more beautiful engagement in this world. I now know it's possible.ā€


More Love Letters From Our Students

The Feminine Thriving Podcast

Check out our Feminine Thriving Podcast, where we explore how to move from Surviving to Thriving in a female body.

Thriving for us means you feel a sense of safety in your own body, you are dripping with sensuality & aliveness, you are experiencing pleasure & orgasms that connect you to your own divinity and you feel confident, powerful & abundant walking this planet with a badass community of sisters by your side.

We welcome
the mess,
the mud,Ā 
the chaos
and embrace all it is to be a woman.

Hosted by Tamara & Hilary, it will include solo episodes, episodes together and episodes also with other badass women (or maybe even men) sharing their deep, embodied wisdom with us all.

Tune In Now

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... where we share inspirational content, personal stories, exclusive discounts, and juicy feminine embodiment practices